World Immunisation Week: Why pregnant women need to get vaccinated (IndianExpess)

by Editor2
1 minutes read

Immunisation during pregnancy is an effective way to protect the mother and child from certain preventable infections. During pregnancy, there are immunological changes which makes the expecting mother more susceptible to certain infectious diseases, which increases the risk of more serious outcomes.

As World Health Organisation (WHO) mentions in a report, vaccine-preventable infectious diseases have resulted in significant maternal neonatal and young infant morbidity and mortality. Changes in the body during pregnancy can also increase the severity of influenza. As per a 2012 study on pandemic influenza among pregnant women in Chennai, out of the 140 pregnant women interviewed, only 12.8 per cent had received vaccine for the same. The need of the hour is therefore to spread more awareness about getting vaccinated during pregnancy which can protect the mother and her baby too.

Dr. Digant D Shastri, President, Indian Academy of Paediatrics, has answered questions related to vaccination during pregnancy. Read more

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