5 things to think about before quitting your job-(Bazaar)

by Editor1
1 minutes read

No-one wants to be unhappy at work. Whether you’re no longer being challenged, feel undervalued or underpaid, if you’re feeling miserable as a result of your job it can seem best to move on. And often it is, but before you head to your boss’ office to hand in your notice, consider these things first…

Why are you doing it?

Think about why you’ve got to this point. Is the role not what you anticipated? Have you fallen out with someone in your team? What would make the situation more manageable? It may be that a discussion with your manager or your boss could improve things. If it’s a pay issue, think about whether you’d be happy with the current pay if some other element changed.

What’s next?

Do you have another job to go to? If so great, but consider what about the new job will make you more fulfilled. You don’t want to end up in the same position in six months once the novelty of a new environment wears off. If you don’t have a new job to go, what will you do? Consider whether being jobless and unpaid is a more preferable situation. Sometimes it’s the push you need to find something new or different, other times quitting without a back-up plan can be a rash move. Read more

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