550 Articles6 Comments

Dear Mr Man, be very sure Madam is ‘agreeing’ to your plans o

Who’s in charge of deciding number of children? I went visiting my friend and came across her nephews; three very boisterous boys between the ages of seven years and 18 months, the boys were flipping, tumbling about the sitting room,…

I won’t forgive our pastor for what he did to me

I got converted to Christianity during one of those campus crusades. I had just turned 19 and was in my second year. I had this firebrand Christian roommate, Ruth, she was the one who dragged me to the crusade where…

Why did I marry Alhaji? To escape poverty, that’s all

How did that even happen? My name is Halima and I am 18 years old. I did a bit of schooling before I was abducted and married off about four years ago. I know who abducted me and my parents…

I have 3 daughters, but you see, I am not their father

I have a story to tell. Maybe I shouldn’t even be telling it but I think I should, for posterity’s sake. I am the only son of my mother; I have five sisters and being the only son, there was…

We met on Facebook and got married and then she deleted me

I met my wife on Facebook; that was about 5 years ago. The photo she put as her profile photo was not her real photo but you know women can be very deceptive. She told me she was a Master’s…

Why are our boys wearing “plaited” hair o?

The times, they are changing Or maybe we are simply going round in circles as we evolve. Look around you, our boys are growing their hair, they are sporting huge afros and I am not even talking of the 70s…

Ahh, wicked people! It is not true that he died on top of me

I am a 36 years old nursing mother with a three month old baby and it is not true that a man died on top of me at the hotel.

My two sons are fighting over one woman and her child. Who do I support?

‘I will kill you,” he shouted at his brother.  ‘I swear I will kill you!’ Then he turned to me, his eyes red with anger and tears. It broke my heart as he kept repeating himself.   ‘Tell your son,…

Widowhood is a not a crime

There’s this stigma when it comes to widowhood. It’s sticks like gum to most women who find themselves with that label and because it is a label, it becomes an identity many struggle with. The struggle comes with pain, stigma,…

Ah, Willy is dead but I swear, it is not like dat

I love Willy. I love him because he is the only one who understands me and my needs. I am not the type of girl that sleeps around; I am a one-man woman type, so don’t believe what the police…

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