So what’s all this noise online about the death of a certain Tunde Thomas from cardiac arrest. What a shame; he was said to have passed on suddenly from cardiac arrest; so sad for someone so young and when I read that he had a pregnant girlfriend he was about to wed, it became doubly painful.
Then I read the dirt; that Tunde Thomas died on account of the fact that his former wife had relocated abroad with their two children and had informed him from there that the kids were not his; that they belonged to the MD of FCMB, Adamu Nuru.
Aww, crap! But that’s not all, some people want Adamu Nuru sacked, they say he is responsible for Thomas’ death.
Please stop!
I checked out Adamu’s photo and bam, I agree he should face some kind of judicial inquiry, jail maybe, yes, he should be arrested for being handsome! Handsome devil!
Jokes apart, how is Adamu responsible for someone who died from cardiac arrest?
How is Adamu responsible for a man, who after his wife left him did not suffer cardiac arrest?
How can we truly hold Adamu responsible for the death of a man who after he was informed his two children were not his but another man’s, did not suffer cardiac arrest…God knows that is a huge trigger.
A man who after these disappointments in marriage, picked up the pieces of his life, met anther lady along the line and got her pregnant…they were billed to legalise their relationship before his sudden death.
So how on earth is Adamu responsible for Thomas’ death?
Or are we in some kind of sci-fi movie, like the Tenet where you can kill someone two days before, in this case months ahead.
Let’s be clear here, I feel for the Thomas family; 2020 was hard enough and to bury someone so young isn’t a pain anyone can understand except you are in their shoes; I feel sad for the girlfriend who now has to deal with bringing forth a child who’s story is already wrapped in controversy.
Because now, a few thoughts are wandering…did Miss girlfriend tell Mr. Thomas her pregnancy isn’t his? Or…
Anyway, to sign a petition against Adamu asking the Central Bank to sack him is to my mind quite juvenile; what do the petitioners want to achieve? Have Adamu sacked for incompetence on the job? Have him sacked for frolicking with a married woman while on the job? Have him sacked for fathering two children outside his own home? Have him sacked because he used his wealth and weight as a ‘big’ man to steal another man’s wife?

Haba, this is as old as the bible itself. Then every man that ever married or fathered children from a previously married woman must be fired from their places of work…
Adamu’s action, while not affirming it, is one taken by two consenting adults, if anyone has any grouse with anybody, it should be with former Mrs. Thomas!
Why did she wait to have two kids with a man outside, it means the husband at home had just been firing blanks! Or was theirs a case of Mr husband’s inability to father children? Is that why she was so bold as to have two children outside marriage without fear?
Who knows?
Anyway, the grounds for this petition is baseless.
The woman in question wasn’t forced.
Mr. Thomas did not die when he got the news about his children’s paternity, in fact, he went on to prove to the world that indeed he was a man, a full man, he met a girl and got her pregnant! That for me is the ultimate revenge against former Mrs. Thomas and Mr. Adamu
Thomas flipped his middle finger at his wife when his girlfriend became pregnant and he made arrangements for a wedding with her. He wanted to begin a new life with this one; he was looking forward to a clean slate come 2021!
I don’t know Tunde Thomas, will never know him but I wish he had lived, I wish he had lived to encourage those disappointed in love that you can pick up the pieces of your life and hit the road again!
But cardiac arrest came in, usually, this kind of nastiness is from years of managing or ignoring or never even knowing of one’s cardiovascular status.
May Tunde Thomas’s soul rest in peace, what we should also let lie is calling for Adamu Nuru’s head on a platter. No court can hold him responsible for Thomas’ death. There are children involved here too. Let’s think about them and allow them grow up peacefully.
Let former Mrs. Thomas and Mr. Adamu be judged or acquited by their consciences.
They are not asking for his sack because he slept with another man’s wife they are asking for his sack because what he did was unethical in the work place… Sleeping with another man’s wife makes it worse…
You missed it totally. And that’s quite embarrassing. His competence or handsomeness or wealth is not being questioned. What is being questioned is his unethical love tango with his subordinate, single or married. It is unacceptable, especially for one that has a management role, and what he has done is to put his employer’s integrity on the line. The pressure is on FCMB to sack him or else, that organization would be seen as an unethical institution. That’s not good for the bank’s reputation in the market place. I can’t see how FCMB will still leave him at his post after his unethical conduct. He is going to be sacked.
Mr Editor, you think you’re Mr. Practicality, I pray that some day soon, the world will use practicalities to judge your case! You have written like someone who has no empathy! If those were your feelings, you’re better off keeping quiet! If these happened to you, I’m sure you’ll hail God and move on like something never happened. Do you know how long it takes a man to get over a heart break , more so a heart break and a deceit! I pray you have a case similar and you can then show the world that you’re a practical man without blood running through your veins.