As you’re seeing me so, I almost finished secondary school. If not for bad friends, I almost did my waec and I swear, I could have passed!
But I didn’t finish school, I joined bad gang and I steal phones to make a living.
I go to bus stops, markets… places where people can forget themselves and not remember their phones; I go there and I steal… phones or iPad. How about laptop? No o. That one, laptop is not something I can steal just like that. Only when I smash car and it is there, then I take it but phones, all those small, small things like that, I steal them.
Now, if you know your business is stealing, you know you need protection. By protection I am not talking only about charms that you use so that they will not catch you,). I am also not talking about having an area father that will protect you from other area fathers because it is not one day you say, I want to be a thief that steals peoples phones or purse, no, it is not like that.
If you go and start stealing at Ikeja for example and they catch you there, the father of that area cannot protect you, in fact, it is the father that will even let police catch you quickly, or they will deal with you by themselves. Se you get me?

So for me, even before I entered road to start stealing phones, I was already in a cult. Yes. I was in a cult, see the mark on my back. It is there and it is from being a cult member. You cannot be doing the kind of stealing business we are doing if you are not in one cult or another. You just can’t!
I was at the bus stop one day and I stole phones; I did not really know who owns the phone because you know, when you are stealing people’s things, you are not asking is this sikira or is this tamedu? You just obtain and you clear.
I later found out that one was not passworded. So I checked all the details and I saw that the owner of the phone had been chatting with someone. Then, I pretended to be the owner, and I was chatting with the person. The person is a girl; I saw that she and the owner of the phone were good friends, so I decided to invite her to come and see me.
So, I sent her messages on WhatsApp telling her that I wanted her to escort me to go and see an uncle. You know I told you I was pretending to be the owner of the phone, who is a girl and the friend of the… ehen, so this girl I was chatting with, she fall yakata for it. She didn’t know I wasn’t the real person; she asked me where we should meet. I said at one joint in Agege then I gave her the time and the address of the place.

True, true, this girl came there! I was surprised because I thought she would have found out that the phone had been stolen and that the person contacting her was not the real owner. But when she said she was at the bus stop, I went to book a room because I had told her to wait for me that I would come for her at the bus stop.
At the bus stop, I called her number, she picked and I walked to her. That was when she was surprised because she was expecting another person. But I played a fast one, I said, her friend gave me her phone so that I could bring her to the place where she was. That’s how this girl followed me like mumu.
I said her friend was waiting for her in the room; when she got to the room, I locked the door. That was when she knew that I was a bad person. She started saying she wanted to go.
Go where?

I lied to her that it was her friend that set her up, that her friend wanted to show her pepper. Then I showed her my knife and told her I would kill her there and nobody will even know. I told her to remove her clothes, then I took her naked picture and I told her that if she opens her mouth to tell anybody, I would release her naked photos on Facebook and Instagram. She was just begging me; she gave me all the money in her bag, even the ATM, I did not ask for them, she just gave me and yes, her phone as well but I told her to unlock it.
After the photos, I now had sex with her and I threatened her that I am a cult member. I just used that one to shakara her so she doesn’t report to police.
After doing the do, I left her in the hotel room!
Then later, I used her phone to chat up another lady; I used the same method to invite her to another hotel. That one too agreed to come but I later realised she was not mugu because, police were waiting for me. When the girl came, I told her the friend was waiting upstairs, just like the first girl. She followed me and locked the door.
I showed her my knife and told her to remove her clothes, she just started shouting…that’s how police just break the door and caught me, o.
If I had known, I would just have left that girl’s phone, it was a cheap phone sef, you know student’s phone, e no bi better phone, sef!