Handling transitions and change-Tara Aisida

I really don’t like change even when it is for my good and will make me happy. On second thoughts, I think that it’s the process of getting to that state of change that I desire that I dread the most. I hate the pressure, the uncertainty, the fear that things may not turn out just as I want it, the lack of control, the learning of new things and the unlearning of the old, the upheaval to my routine that change brings.

I have however come to accept that the one constant thing in life is change. Cycles come and go and at every given time we are in the state of starting, being in or ending a season in our lives -from childhood to adulthood, change of jobs, change of residence, from parents to empty nesters, middle aged to old age. The change might be something we’ve hoped and prayed for like a promotion, a new house, relocating abroad, the birth of a child and it may be something we dread- sickness, death of a loved one, old age, financial distress etc whatever nature the change takes it brings some discomfort and anxiety and takes a toll on us.

Change is defined as a process which has predictable patterns and takes place outside of us whilst transition is defined as the emotions or feelings we experience during change. Since change is inevitable we must know how to handle it and I will set out some things to do to prepare ourselves for the changes that are sure to come into our lives whether or not we want them.

  1. Educate yourself. They say what you don’t know will kill you and it’s true. I have found educating myself about my new circumstances is one of the best things I can do for myself to make my changed circumstances easier. When Mr Aisi was diagnosed with cancer, I made sure to read all I could lay my hands upon about the cancer, the orthodox and holistic treatments available, the things to expect, what were danger signs and what was normal in his state. Not only did it reassure me but it gave me a level of control as I knew what was likely to happen and plan against it.

There is nothing that invokes pity more than a person who refuses to let go of a season that has long ended. We can enjoy every single season of change in our lives if only we look at the positives and not the negatives. Remember, change is constant and soon what was once new and exciting will become normal, boring and old and what was sad and depressing will become bearable.

Let change, change you.   

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