Odili Ujubuonu: 60 years of magic and memorable aesthetics — Uzor Maxim Uzoatu

Odili Ujubuonu is a Renaissance man, that is, he is among those rare beings who have their hands and grey matter in diverse pies. I guess I am only qualified to talk about his delivery in the field of literature…

Birthday of Ancient Man — Uzor Maxim Uzoatu

My birthday is about to happen, which means that Nigeria is older than me by about three months, but I feel very ancient because of the way the country has dealt with me.  The ready advice for any Nigerian who…

The rising in New York of Njideka Akunyili Crosby & Gerald Eze — Uzor Maxim Uzoatu 

The world is in rapture over Nigerian art and music.  Anywhere you go in the major capitals across the globe, all the rage is Nigeria’s compelling art and music.  Let’s take a trip to the standout exhibition “Njideka Akunyili Crosby:…

Who’s really on trial at the Presidential Election Tribunal? — Isidore Emeka Uzoatu

Permit this controversial entry. For you see, I’m one of those who ardently believe that all the democratic regimes we have had in this country suffered the same fate. Consecutively, they have been ruined by the daylight robbery passed off…

Fabrication of Emilokan Tribal Democracy via INEC — Uzor Maxim Uzoatu

He never left anybody in doubt that he was coming on a tribal wicket. Nigerian presidential contestants across board used to mouth their credentials as per being pan-Nigerian, detribalised and all that jazz. This man was different as he hollered:…

Like the Super Eagles, it’s time we outsourced our presidency — Isidore Emeka Uzoatu

Overtime, outsourcing  has come to occupy a special place in my heart. And having seen the light of late, I see it as the way out of our mounting national political  lacunae. From top to bottom or vice versa in…

Analyzing the stages of booze in Nigeria -Uzor Maxim Uzoatu

“Stage One – The Mood Jocose. Stage Two – The Mood Morose. Stage Three – The Mood Bellicose. Stage Four – The Mood Lachrymose.  Stage Five – The Mood Comatose.”         Ayi Kwei Armah: The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born …

Oya, see the true meaning of Chichidodo government – Uzor Maxim Uzoatu

It is in the DNA of every Nigerian government to talk tough on fighting corruption. This useable tactic of mass deceit did not start today. Let it be known that the much-abused General Sani Abacha was in his time a…

Of Ghana, Gandhi and other integrity integers – Isidore Emeka Uzoatu

The recent removal of a statue of the hitherto revered Indian nationalist leader Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948) from the grounds of the University of Ghana for his racist credentials refers. Dedicated in 2016 by Pranab Mukherjee, the then Indian president, it…

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