I heard Taju has finally died. May he die a thousand deaths. You should not wonder why I wish this on him especially as I know we will all die and he is the father of my first child. It…
‘I moved in with my wife to avoid my children’-Daddy lied o!
I know the story you published on Monday is our story, yes. You didn’t mention our names but we know it is our story and if indeed you practice true journalism, you should have contacted us for our own version…
Dear Nigerians, calm down. Your curses did not kill MMM founder – Sisi Lucia
Do you guys remember MMM? Of course you do. It is still fresh in your memory. Well, the founder of the ponzi scheme Seigei Mavrodi died during the week. His death would have been just another death except that Nigerians…
Lagos newcomers, welcome to Danfo 101 – Hymar David
You’ve probably heard a lot about the yellow-and-black danfo buses that run through the heart of the city like blood through veins. You must have been told a lot of stuff that sounded like outright lies if not exaggerations. Here’s…