I am out of my matrimonial home today because of a simple reason: my husband found out I had money and ran mad. All my life I was told that it is a man’s primary responsibility to take care of…
We all wanted to be like him, then something horrible happened!
I visited my old street, where I grew up, a few weeks ago and everything had changed…for the worse. I saw a former neighbor, Bro Gabe, he was my role model back in the day but when he called my…
Feel my pain! My son is 31 years old and a mad man!
My son, Sam is a lunatic. He roams the streets, talking to himself, feeding from dustbins and spending his nights under the bridges of Lagos. Sometimes, when I know where he is, I would go to give him food because…
Don’t say madness, say mental health illness-Emeka Nwolisa
Today, I want to shake table well-well. Apologies to RantHQ group on facebook. And this table that is shaking…I am standing on it gidigbam and nothing do me. It is truly time to begin to talk about issues concerning mental…