The Bobrisky-fication of our world – Peju Akande

Change, the old mantra says, is the only constant in life. As humans, we change with the times and environment…

I believe God gave us abilities to make our own decisions…whether good or bad…I also believe God doesn’t change.

That being said, a few days back, while on vacation in the UK, my partner and I joined our host and his family to watch a talent show on British TV.  I saw what I would normally describe as a ‘young man,’ wearing makeup, dressed in tight fitting female trouser suit and wearing women heeled sandals. He was also talking funny.

I honestly thought he was clowning.
‘Who is he?’ I asked
‘No, it is not a he, it is a them,’ someone replied.
‘He is neither,’ I am told.
‘And you can’t go referring to them by any other term but what they prefer to be called, especially in public,’ I was warned.

Ok. So this isn’t my first encounter with this new phenomenon beguiling mankind. A few years ago, I read about Will Smith’s then 17 year old famous son, Jaden Smith being the new face of Louis Vuitton’s women’s wear. Yep, that’s not a typo, Jaden was the face of women’s wear.
How come?
Because of his gender fluid style.
The boy was wearing dresses and adults who should know better were there clapping and chaffing like seagulls.
I remember snapping my fingers over my head (typical Nigerian reaction to something forbidden)
Worrisdat? (This is me thoroughly confused)
Was he born a boy?
Yes, I think so.
When/ where did this gender fluid thing come?
I snapped my fingers over my head again. This is a taboo!
I grew up the old way. You are either a male or female, there are no inbetweeners.
Today’s world, especially the western cultures we all ape, allows us to be both or all, if we so desire.
For instance, no longer do you fill forms where your sex is either male or female.
To be politically correct, you have to create spaces for ‘others’ and by that, it means the categories are wider-
Gender fluid-
This I find very confusing to be honest, but who am I to judge? I know only what I know and limited in many areas, especially areas where it concerns other humans.
On the other hand, whether for good or ill, the kids being raised these days will accept these phenomenon-for lack of a more appropriate expression- as the norm, no eye brows raised, no questioning stares, no look of, “ will you get the hell outta there before I clobber you? wa duyumin trans or gay…?
Nah! Kids will be perfectly cool with swinging openly from being a man to woman, reptile to mammals, who knows, some would even declare they will mate solely with reptiles.
That expression, ‘go fxxk yourself’ will literally mean what it is at the rate we are evolving because I imagine some people will opt to live and bear children alone by themselves with no partner fertilizing anything for them…oh you don’t think so? Don’t we already have IVF? Can’t you see robot sex dolls?
What’s scary is that mankind is accepting all of these as the norm. Two years ago in what appered as a groundbreaking move, the April cover of Germany’s edition of Men’s Health featured a transgender man. Transgender fitness model Ben Melzer won the magazine’s cover model contest, earning him the cover honors.
Today, with the likes of Caitlyn Jenner and our very own Bobrisky, it’s no longer a headline news.
After the initial backlash at the transition of these men to women, we’ve finally settled in and accepted them.
So what do you do when your child or niece or nephew decides they want to be in the category of the ‘other’?
The thing to feel is not anger or repulsion for them. They have, in my opinion, legitimate reasons for feeling what they feel. Eventually, we will come to accept them, after kicking and shouting and praying and cursing at the same time…
However, while all humanity changes, even as we evolve, one thing never changes- when God created us, ‘He created them male and female…God blessed them and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and increase in number’…as man and woman!
If you say Bobrisky na you sabi.

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