Last week, an incident at Nnamdi Azikiwe University (UNIZIK) in Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria, garnered significant attention both on campus and across social media platforms. The altercation involved Dr. Chukwudi Okoye, a lecturer in the Department of Theatre Arts and Film Studies, and Ms. Goddy Mbakwe Precious, a third-year student from the Department of History and International Studies.
According to video reports, the incident occurred when Dr. Okoye encountered Ms. Mbakwe recording a TikTok video in the corridor of the Faculty of Arts. As he attempted to pass, he tapped her on the shoulder and said, “Excuse me.” She turned back and mouthed “who does he think he is” and continued with her video. We are told Dr Okoye, seeing he appeared in the video, asked her to delete that part and attempted to snatch her phone. This interaction led to a verbal exchange, which quickly escalated into a physical confrontation. Videos of the altercation circulated widely on social media, showing Ms. Mbakwe aggressively confronting Dr. Okoye, tearing his clothing and reportedly biting him.
As to be expected, the incident has sparked a widespread debate regarding the actions of both parties involved and arguments have been made both in favour and against them as follows:
For Dr Okoye
1. Dr. Okoye’s initial interaction appears to have been a standard request to pass through a public corridor. His subsequent actions, including asking Ms. Mbakwe to delete the video in which he appeared, can be seen as a legitimate concern for his privacy and professional reputation. In an era where digital content can be misused, his apprehension about being recorded without consent is understandable. As we enter into a digital world especially where people’s data and privacy are likely to be breached, it is now common practice for coveners of conferences or meetings to request that attendees sign a consent form allowing their pictures at the conference to be used and displayed publicly thereafter.

2. Non-Aggressive Response: Throughout the altercation, Dr. Okoye maintained a non-violent stance. Despite being physically assaulted—having his clothes torn and reportedly being bitten—he did not retaliate with violence. This restraint aligns with the expected conduct of educators, who are often held to higher standards of behaviour. Also, it sends a message to men that it is better to refrain from physical retaliation against women as they can turn the story around as Ms Mbakwe is now alleging to have been sexually harassed by Dr Okoye..
For Ms Mbakwe
1. Personal Space and Unexpected Contact:
From Ms. Mbakwe’s perspective, being tapped on the shoulder unexpectedly could have been perceived as an invasion of personal space, especially if she was engrossed in her activity. Her immediate reaction, expressing displeasure, might have stemmed from feeling disrespected or startled.
2. Digital Expression and Modern Student Culture:
Recording videos for platforms like TikTok is a common activity among students today. Ms. Mbakwe was engaging in a form of self-expression prevalent in contemporary youth culture. Interrupting her recording could be viewed as a disregard for her personal interests and the modern means through which students communicate and express themselves.
3. Perceived Aggression and Self-Defense:
Ms. Mbakwe claimed that after the initial interaction, Dr. Okoye attempted to confiscate her phone, leading her to feel threatened. Her aggressive response, including biting and tearing his clothes, might be interpreted as acts of self-defense in a situation where she felt overpowered or intimidated. This argument was favoured by many people of Mz Mbakwe’s generation as they feel that older people, especially lecturers, hold themselves out as demigods who feel they have a right to confiscate students’ property for any reason.
Many years ago, it was unthinkable that a student or anyone for that matter would commandeer a public space to record a video and be unapologetic about infringing on other people’s right of way to the same space. It was unthinkable that a student would talk back to an obviously older person without any form of aggression, asking who they thought they were. It was unthinkable that a woman would fight and try to beat an older man who hasn’t made any physical attack on her. It was also unthinkable that a male lecturer would sit back and allow himself to be physically assaulted by a female student. Finally, it was unthinkable that a lot of people would be heard advocating for Ms Mbakwe and stating in her defence that her privacy was invaded because she was touched when we all know that most young adults wear earphones all the time and don’t respond quickly to being spoken to.
We are in an era where everything and anything goes, especially because we want to be “woke” and move with the times. An era where personal boundaries are to be respected but people flout it when they are in public spaces, an era where people behave anyhow and wave away attempts to correct them with the excuse that someone invaded their privacy and/or restricted their rights. An era where we forget that we are Africans and have a way of life different and unique from other cultures.
In my opinion, Dr. Okoye’s concerns about being recorded without consent are valid, reflecting a need to protect personal and professional boundaries. I especially find it irritating nowadays when I go to parties and someone includes me in their videos and puts it on a public forum or social media. What makes people think they need to show other people my activities without my consent? This is different from posting on a group where we have shared interests but to put my face up when I am stuffing my mouth with food or dancing and you are acting pretty and demure is a No No for me.
I also get the fact that Dr Okoye need not have tapped Ms Mbakwe’s shoulder to make his point or even try to seize her phone and that people of the older generation can act as demi-gods when they are in positions of power, lording it over the younger generation. I also get that younger people may be pushed to the wall because they are vulnerable and that they have a high attachment to their digital gadgets.
What I don’t get is the sheer rudeness, disrespect and lack of manners on the part of Ms. Mbakwe as displayed in that video. Her reaction was quite extreme and unjustifiable given the circumstances and it speaks of her training and psychological state. No well brought up person who has imbibed their training will act as she did assuming there is no back story to the events that played out. It is unfortunate but we have to start calling out bad behaviour for what it is and acknowledging that our children are badly behaved, rude and disrespectful, and that their behaviour is a function of both our parenting and the decadence in the moral fabric of our society
Yes! Personal space is a thing and we often invade people’s privacy in this clime, but we are not Europeans or North Americans, we often touch other people unconsciously and yes we must not touch strangers without their permission but a tap on the back when someone is in a public way is in no way an infringement of your privacy. If you don’t want to be touched don’t stand in a public space hindering other people’s right to that space.
Yes! You have the right to create videos and record yourself anywhere you like but be aware of the rights of others not to want to feature in your videos and that they can request for the video to be edited to block them out. Also, be aware that a public passage is NOT your private corner and there are expected ways of behaviour in public spaces. I really am getting tired of young people harassing everyone with their dressing, manners and so-called creativity that makes them think they are special, unique and should not be bound by the rules of decency. The younger generation must understand that one person’s right ends where the other person’s rights begin and were we all to assert our rights at the same time, anarchy will prevail.
This incident underscores the complexities inherent in interactions between different generations especially in an age where digital expression is ubiquitous and there are sweeping changes across the world and the necessity for clear guidelines within our society and academic institutions in particular regarding digital recordings, personal interactions, and conflict resolution.
Parents are being tasked to ensure that they nurture well mannered children and that they support schools in the task of disciplining their children so they turn out good citizens. Young adults should consider that their actions have consequences and that there are different ways one can fight for themselves without being abusive . Educational institutions must consider implementing workshops or seminars that address these topics, fostering an environment where both staff and students understand and respect each other’s boundaries.
As the university’s investigation proceeds, it is crucial that a fair and unbiased approach is maintained, ensuring that the rights and perspectives of both parties to be heard are considered. This balanced approach will not only serve justice in this particular case but also set a precedent for handling similar incidents in the future, promoting a harmonious and respectful academic environment.
Lastly I must commend Dr Okoye because his non-violent response during the altercation demonstrates commendable restraint and shows that he is a gentleman who has been brought up not to hit a woman no matter the provocation, a lesson men of all generations should learn as it would hold them in good stead so far they are not in mortal danger for their lives.