Three dads on what happens to your sex life after having kids (Medium)

A new dad, a dad who’s seven years in and a dad whose kids have left the nest all share what happened (or mostly, what didn’t) in the bedroom after the birth

Everyone talks about what to expect when you’re expecting. But what should you expect after your baby arrives? We asked three dads about all the changes in the bedroom after you have kids — from the time they’re a baby until they’re an adult.

Chris, Eight Months After Childbirth

It’s been almost a year, but my wife and I only started having sex again about three months ago. It’s been tough for me — the whole baby thing is tough, man! It’s our first child, and we don’t spend much time together like we used to, obviously. When we do, it’s usually because we’re handing off my daughter to each other, or we’re putting her to bed. That’s been a big change from before, because we had similar schedules, and we always ate dinner together. Now we can’t even sit down and have a whole meal without the baby crying or interrupting it. We were a couple, but now it feels more like we’re separate people working different shifts of the same job.

When our baby wakes up in the middle of the night, my wife will bring the baby to bed because she’s too tired to stand up with it and try and rock it to sleep. So it’s like the baby has literally come between us in bed. Pretty obvious metaphor there.

The first time we did it after she gave birth, I was kind of weirded out by it at first. I was worried I’d hurt her, or it’d feel different, or… I don’t know. I guess I just didn’t know if things had changed down there. Of course it felt pretty much the same, so I was relieved, and we both enjoyed getting back into it. I’ve never been much of a boob guy, but since she’s breastfeeding, they’re obviously bigger, and honestly, it turns me on, so I’m more of a boob guy now! Read more

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