Tara’s Diary

Sustaining relationships in the time of isolation – Tara Aisida

The whole world is presently on lockdown as several countries have closed their borders and…

What to do in a time of crisis -Tara Aisida

It’s not news that we are witnessing and living in strange times. Today’s world resembles…

Come, let me tell you why women cheat -Tara Aisida

When I wrote about men who cheat and the women who loved them, my son…

Wait o. Who is to blame when infidelity happens in a long distance relationship? – Tara Aisida

A male friend of mine called me weeks back and as we conversed, he let…

Main chicks, side chicks and their cockerels-Tara Aisida

We have seen them in films, read about them in books, witnessed them in hostels…

I used to be my children’s mummy, now I want to be their friend-Tara Aisida

I have been my children’s mummy since they were born, it’s now time to be…

Daddy & Mummy, your child knows a lot more about sex than you o-Tara Aisida

Sometime last year, a friend and I visited a mutual friend’s daughter’s secondary school. Our…

When it comes to discipline, are you guilty of child abuse? – Tara Martins Aisida

Some 15 years ago I went to a neighborhood bookshop with my children then ages…

Are you a member of the Pepper dem gang? – Tara Aisida

I once escorted a friend to our children’s school Accounts office to help plead for…

The ‘me-me’ generation and the parents breeding them-Tara Martins Aisida

“No one owes you anything” was a refrain I heard severally when I was growing…

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